Quick Search
Type in First & Last Name, and a town or county where the person may have been.
Then scroll to bottom & click the search box.
Advanced Search
This search form supports two wildcard characters, " ? " and " * ".
The " ? " character matches any single character. A search for "eli?abeth" will match both "Elizabeth" and "Elisabeth".
The " * " character matches any string of characters. The given pattern must match at word boundaries in the associated data field. So, for example:
The pattern "wood" will match a surname of "Wood", but not "Atwood" or "Woodbury" or "Woodward".
The pattern "wood*" will match "Wood", "Woodbury" or "Woodward", but not "Atwood".
The pattern "woo*d" will match "Wood" and "Woodward", but not "Atwood" or "Woodbury".
The pattern "*wood*" will match "Atwood", "Wood", "Woodward" and "Woodbury".