- [S3350] 1880 US Census of Hancock County, Illinois.
- [S3355] Brad Slade.
- [S3361] Michigan Marriages 1868-1925 on FamilySearch.com.
- [S3362] 1920 US Census of Wayne County, Michigan.
- [S3363] 1900 US Census of Houghton County, Michigan.
- [S3364] 1930 US Census of Oakland County, Michigan.
- [S3365] 1930 US Census of Wayne County, Michigan.
- [S3366] 1900 US Census of Oakland County, Michigan.
- [S3372] 1860 US Census of Cuyahoya County, Ohio.
- [S3377] 1880 US Census of Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
- [S3382] 1870 US Census of Kenosha County, Wisconsin.
- [S3383] 1850 US Census of Essex County, Massachusetts.
- [S3384] 1860 US Census of Essex County, Massachusetts.
- [S3385] 1870 US Census of Essex County, Massachusetts.
- [S3387] 1900 US Census of Essex County, Massachusetts.
- [S3388] 1910 US Census of Essex County, Massachusetts.
- [S3390] 1930 US Census of Essex County, Massachusetts.
- [S3391] 1930 US Census of Suffolk County, Massachusetts.
- [S3395] 1900 US Census of Saginaw County, Michigan.
- [S3396] 1910 US Census of Saginaw County, Michigan.
- [S3397] 1920 US Census of Saginaw County, Michigan.
- [S3399] 1880 US Census of Sauk County, Wisconsin.
- [S3400] 1860 US Census of Sauk County, Wisconsin.
- [S3401] 1870 US Census of Sauk County, Wisconsin.
- [S3403] 1920 US Census of Whitman County, Washington.
- [S3404] New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 on Ancestry.com.
- [S3405] 1910 US Census of Whitman County, Washington.
- [S3412] Michigan Death Certificates at SeekingMichigan.org.
- [S3450] 1870 US Census of Bennington County, Vermont.
- [S3451] 1850 US Census of Bennington County, Vermont.
- [S3452] 1880 US Census of Bennington County, Vermont.
- [S3453] 1860 US Census of Bennington County, Vermont.
- [S3474] 1930 US Census of Hancock County, Ohio.
- [S3475] 1940 US Census of Oakland County, Michigan.
- [S3521] Civil War Pension Records.
- [S3549] 1870 US Census of LaSalle County, Illinois.
- [S3550] 1880 US Census of Floyd County, Iowa.
- [S3552] Wisconsin Births and Christenings Index, 1826-1908, Ancestry.com.
- [S3650] 1940 US Census of Whitman County, Washington.
- [S3728] 1860 US Census of Cuyahoya County, Ohio.
- [S3733] 1880 US Census of Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
- [S3740] Cleveland, Ohio Cemetery Interment Records, 1824-2001, FamilySearch.com,.
- [S3745] 1850 US Census of Cayuga County, New York.
- [S3746] 1870 US Census of Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
- [S3747] 1920 US Census of Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
- [S3749] United States Naval Enlistment Rendezvous, 1855-1891, FamilySearch.org.
- [S3750] NARA M1279, Approved pension applications of widows and other dependents of U.S. Navy veterans who served between 1861 and 1910, on Fold 3.
- [S6533] Minnesota, County Deaths, 1850-2001, FamilySearch.org.
- [S6536] 1880 US Census of Nobles County, Minnesota.
- [S8369] Sydney, Australia, Anglican Parish Registers, 1814-2011, Ancestry.com.