Margaret Ann Slade1,2 
(8 April 1914 - circa 1999)
Margaret Ann Slade was born on April 8, 1914 in Wayne County, West Virginia.2,1 She was the daughter of Joseph Birl Slade and Anna Pack.1
Margaret married Riley Spry.3 Margaret died circa 1999 in Lincoln County, West Virginia.4 She was buried in Harts, Lincoln County, West Virginia.3
Margaret married Riley Spry.3 Margaret died circa 1999 in Lincoln County, West Virginia.4 She was buried in Harts, Lincoln County, West Virginia.3
- [S729] 1920 US Census of Grant County, West Virginia, Grant Dist, ED 158, sheet 12-A, lines 40-50, dwl 198, fam 198.
- [S1679] Fran McComas.
- [S731] Della Perry Lilly.
- [S17] Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014,, Van Don Lambert.
- [S735] 1930 US Census of Wayne County, West Virginia, ED 50-11, sh 9-A, lines 17-22, dwl 134, fam 143 & 144.
Elizabeth Slade1 
(28 January 1916 - 4 October 2011)
Elizabeth Slade was born on January 28, 1916 in Wayne County, West Virginia.1 She was the daughter of Joseph Birl Slade and Anna Pack.1
Elizabeth married Van Don Lambert on January 19, 1935 in West Virginia.2,3 Elizabeth died on October 4, 2011 at age 95.3 She was buried in Family Gardens Cemetery, Low Gap, Boone County, West Virginia.3 Found an undocumented note that Elizabeth died Oct 1, 2011.
Elizabeth married Van Don Lambert on January 19, 1935 in West Virginia.2,3 Elizabeth died on October 4, 2011 at age 95.3 She was buried in Family Gardens Cemetery, Low Gap, Boone County, West Virginia.3 Found an undocumented note that Elizabeth died Oct 1, 2011.
- [S729] 1920 US Census of Grant County, West Virginia, Grant Dist, ED 158, sheet 12-A, lines 40-50, dwl 198, fam 198.
- [S17] Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014,, Van Don Lambert.
- [S9],, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Slade Lambert, Family Gardens Cemetery, Low Gap, West Virginia.
- [S735] 1930 US Census of Wayne County, West Virginia, ED 50-11, sh 9-A, lines 17-22, dwl 134, fam 143 & 144.
Riley Spry1 
(9 August 1892 - March 1976)
Riley Spry was born on August 9, 1892.2
Riley married Margaret Ann Slade, daughter of Joseph Birl Slade and Anna Pack.1 Riley died in March, 1976 in Branchland, Lincoln County, West Virginia, at age 83 [last residence].2 He was buried in Harts, Lincoln County, West Virginia.1
Riley married Margaret Ann Slade, daughter of Joseph Birl Slade and Anna Pack.1 Riley died in March, 1976 in Branchland, Lincoln County, West Virginia, at age 83 [last residence].2 He was buried in Harts, Lincoln County, West Virginia.1
Wiley Queen1 
(28 January 1893 - 30 October 1976)
Wiley Queen was born on January 28, 1893.2 He was the son of Absalom Queen.3
Wiley married Virgie Slade, daughter of Joseph Birl Slade and Anna Pack.3 Wiley died on October 30, 1976 at age 83.2,3 He was buried in Community Memorial Gardens, Wayne, Wayne County, West Virginia.3
Wiley married Virgie Slade, daughter of Joseph Birl Slade and Anna Pack.3 Wiley died on October 30, 1976 at age 83.2,3 He was buried in Community Memorial Gardens, Wayne, Wayne County, West Virginia.3
- [S731] Della Perry Lilly.
- [S17] Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014,
- [S9],, Virgie & Wiley A Queen, tombstone, Community Memorial Gardens, Wayne, West Virginia.
Weldon Harless1 
(10 February 1906 - 12 February 1997)
Weldon Harless was born on February 10, 1906 in West Virginia.2,3
Weldon married Nettie Slade, daughter of Joseph Birl Slade and Anna Pack, circa 1932.1 Weldon died on February 12, 1997 in Ranger, Lincoln County, West Virginia, at age 91 [last residence].2
Weldon married Nettie Slade, daughter of Joseph Birl Slade and Anna Pack, circa 1932.1 Weldon died on February 12, 1997 in Ranger, Lincoln County, West Virginia, at age 91 [last residence].2
Joseph Alfred Slade1

(22 January 1830 - 10 March 1864)

Joseph married Virginia Marie Dale circa 1856.2 By 1859, the extraordinary Slade had become superintendent of the toughest portion of the Overland Stage route between Julesburg, Colorado and Fort Bridger, Wyoming. He established the route, hired the men, and directed the operations of the stage line. While division superintendent, he shot and killed Andrew Ferrin, one of his subordinates in May 1859. The killing was declared justified, Ferrin was buried and the wagon train continuedalong. At the time, shooting deaths of this kind in the West were rare and Slade's reputation as a "gunfighter" spread rapidly across the country. In March 1860 Slade was ambushed and left for dead by Jules Beni, the corrupt station keeper at Julesburg, Colorado, whom Slade had removed. Slade remarkably survived, and in August 1861 Beni was killed by Slade's men after ignoring Slade's warning to stay out of his territory.
Slade's exploits spawned numerous legends, many of them false. His image (especially via Mark Twain in Roughing It) as the vicious killer of up to 26 victims was greatly exaggerated: Only one killing by Slade (that of Andrew Ferrin, above ) is undisputed. But his ferocious reputation, combined with a drinking problem, caused his downfall: He was fired by the Central Overland for drunkenness in November 1862. During a drunken spree in Virginia City, Montana, he was lynched by local vigilantes for disturbing the peace.6,7 Joseph died on March 10, 1864 in Virginia City, Madison County, Montana, at age 34 hung by vigilantes.8,9 Joseph A. Slade - The body was placed in a tin coffin filled with alcohol, and conveyed to the ranch, where it remained until the following spring, when it was taken to Salt Lake City and buried in the cemetery. A plain marble slab, with name and age graven thereon, marks the burial-place of Slade, a man who surrendered all that was noble, generous, and manly in his nature to the demon of intemperance. A friend of his, in a recent letter to me, relating to him, says, -
"Slade was unquestionably a most useful man in his time to the stage line, and to the cause of progress in the Far West, and he never was a robber, as some have represented; but after years of contention with desperate men. he became so reckless and regardless of human life that his bes friends must concede that he was at time a most dangerous character, and no doubt, by his defiance of authority and wholesome discipline of the Vigilantes, brought upon himself the calamity which he suffered."10
Link to more info about Jack Slade:
- [S732] Annette Keerian.
- [S1319] Biography of Mary Darke Kain Slade Dennis of Clinton County, Ilinois ,
- [S2237] Dan Rottenberg, Death of a gunfighter : the quest for Jack Slade 2008).
- [S8867] Utah, Veterans with Federal Service Buried in Utah, Territorial to 1966, ( : 6 December 2014), Entry for Joseph A Alias James A Slade, [Died] 09 Mar 1864; citing City Cemetery, Virginia City, Montana, military unit Co A 1st Regt Ill Foot Vols, Army, Mexican War, State Archives, Capitol Building, Salt Lake City; FHL microfilm 485,493.
- [S9017] United States Mexican War Index and Service Records, 1846-1848, ark:/61903/1:1:QLXQ-B4ZM "United States Mexican War Index and Service Records, 1846-1848",, FamilySearch ( 13 March 2018), Joseph A Slade, 1846-1848.
- [S2237] Dan Rottenberg, Death of a gunfighter : the quest for Jack Slade, Rottenberg, Dan. "Death of a Gunfighter: The Quest for Jack Slade, the West's Most Elusive Legend", Westholme Publishing - University of Chicago Press2008. ISBN:1594160708 ISBN13:9781594160707.
- [S8866] Roughing It by Mark Twain, 1892 , Twain, Mark "Roughing It" American Publishing Co., 1872. Re-printed 24 Jun 2018 Sea Wolfe Press, Orinda, CA 14513. ISBNL 1948132931 ISBN13: 978-1948132930.
- [S8867] Utah, Veterans with Federal Service Buried in Utah, Territorial to 1966, ( : 6 December 2014), Entry for Joseph A Alias James A Slade, [Died] 09 Mar 1864; citing City Cemetery, Virginia City, Montana, military unit Co A 1st Regt Ill Foot Vols, Army, Mexican War, State Archives, Capitol Building, Salt Lake City; FHL microfilm 485,493.
- [S9024] Dan Rottenburg, Death of a Gunfighter: The Quest for Jack Slade, the West's Most Elusive Legend 8 Harvey Ave, Yardley, Pennsylvania: Westhome Publishing, LLC, 2010).
- [S8865] Vigilante Days & Ways: The Pioneers of the Rockies - The Makers & Making of MT, ID, OR, WA, & WY by Nathaniel Pitt Langford, 1893 , Farcountry Press:Helena, Montana 1893. Re-released May 1996. ISBN: 1560370386, ISBN13:9781560370383.
Susanna V. Burgess1 
(September 1854 - )
Susanna V. Burgess was born in September, 1854 in Surry County, Virginia.1,2 She was the daughter of John C. Burgess and Rebecca Bryant.3,2
Susanna married Joseph Thomas Slade, son of John N. Slade and Elizabeth Holloway, on December 8, 1870 in Virginia.4 1910 census indicates she was mother of 7, only 4 living.5
Susanna married Joseph Thomas Slade, son of John N. Slade and Elizabeth Holloway, on December 8, 1870 in Virginia.4 1910 census indicates she was mother of 7, only 4 living.5
Children of Susanna V. Burgess and Joseph Thomas Slade
- John William Slade+
9 b. June, 1873, d. 1943
- Joseph S. Slade
b. January, 1878
- Mattie Slade
1 b. September, 1879
- Cora Anna Slade+
1 b. November, 1881
- Edward R. Slade
10 b. 1884, d. December 15, 1886
- Lena Slade
5 b. circa 1891
- [S628] 1900 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, Guilford Dist, ED 70, sheet 13-A, lines 16-20, dwl 254, fam 254.
- [S846] 1860 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, page 21, lines 12-16, dwl 162, fam 162.
- [S629] 1880 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, ED 148, page 21, lines 47, dwl 209, fam 193.
- [S1309] Virginia Marriages, 1785-1940,, Joseph T. Slade & Susanna Burgess, Dec 8, 1870, Surry Co, dau J. C. & R. Burgess, son of J. & Lizzie Slade.
- [S1011] 1910 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, ED 116, sheet 8-A, lines 8-9, dwl 2, fam 2.
- [S845] 1870 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, Guilford District.
- [S845] 1870 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, page 50, lines 1-5, dwl 378, fam 380.
- [S629] 1880 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, ED 148, page 21, lines 41-46, dwl 208, fam 192.
- [S629] 1880 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, LDS 1880 image page 59-A.
- [S1176] Virginia Deaths and Burials, 1853-1912 on Record Search.
Cora Anna Slade1 
(November 1881 - )
Cora Anna Slade was known as Anna C. Slade.2 She was born in November, 1881 in Virginia.1 She was the daughter of Joseph Thomas Slade and Susanna V. Burgess.1 Cora Anna Slade was New Tag circa 1886 in Virginia.2
Cora married first Alexander Thomas Sumerlin on March 27, 1902 in Claremont, Surry County, Virginia.3
Cora married second [?] Schroeder.2 He was the son of Henry and Margaret Sumerlin.4,5 Anna married a Schroeder sometime before 1920 and he apparently died as she is shown as widow using that surname in the 1920 & 1930 census.2
Cora married first Alexander Thomas Sumerlin on March 27, 1902 in Claremont, Surry County, Virginia.3
Cora married second [?] Schroeder.2 He was the son of Henry and Margaret Sumerlin.4,5 Anna married a Schroeder sometime before 1920 and he apparently died as she is shown as widow using that surname in the 1920 & 1930 census.2
Child of Cora Anna Slade and Alexander Thomas Sumerlin
- Mark Sidney Sumerlin
2 b. circa 1903, d. January 11, 1952
- [S628] 1900 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, Guilford Dist, ED 70, sheet 13-A, lines 16-20, dwl 254, fam 254.
- [S863] 1920 US Census of Norfolk County, Virginia, ED 75, sh 5-A, lines 10-16, dwl 53, fam 72.
- [S1309] Virginia Marriages, 1785-1940,, Alexander Thomas Summerlin & Annie Cora Slade, mar Mar 25, 1902, Surry Co, VA. parents: Henry & Margaret Summerlin, Joseph T. & S.V. Slade.
- [S2018] Image of Marriage Certificate, Alexander Thomas Summerlin & Annie Cora Slade, mar Mar 25, 1902, Surry Co, VA. parents: Henry & Margaret Summerlin, Joseph T. & S.V. Slade.
- [S1309] Virginia Marriages, 1785-1940.
- [S431] 1930 US Census of Norfolk County, Virginia, ED 112-36, sh 7-A, lines 40-41, dwl 35, fam 75.
Oliver Thomas Slade1 
(19 January 1862 - 1 March 1915)
Oliver Thomas Slade was known as Ollie.2 He was New Tag in 1861 in Virginia.3 He was born on January 19, 1862 in Surry County, Virginia.1 He was the son of Joseph Thomas Slade and Caroline H. Andrews.4 Oliver Thomas Slade was New Tag in 1864 in Virginia.4
Oliver married Lula Martin Hogwood, daughter of George William Hogwood and Laura Porter, on February 7, 1894 in Sussex County, Virginia.5 Oliver died on March 1, 1915 in Dinwiddie County, Virginia, at age 53.1 He was buried in Stony Creek, Sussex County, Virginia.1
Oliver married Lula Martin Hogwood, daughter of George William Hogwood and Laura Porter, on February 7, 1894 in Sussex County, Virginia.5 Oliver died on March 1, 1915 in Dinwiddie County, Virginia, at age 53.1 He was buried in Stony Creek, Sussex County, Virginia.1
Children of Oliver Thomas Slade and Lula Martin Hogwood
- Laurel L. Slade+
7 b. 1897
- George Oliver Slade+
3 b. July 16, 1900, d. October 23, 1981
- [S2712] Virginia Death Records, 1912-2014,, State file 6196, Reg# 207, Oliver Thomas Slade, d Mar 15, 1916, Dinwiddie.
- [S2789] 1880 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, LDS 1880 image page 59-A.
- [S2795] 1910 US Census of Sussex County, Virginia in , Henry District, ED 118, sheet 1-A, lines 23-26, dwl 6, fam 6.
- [S629] 1880 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, LDS 1880 image page 59-A.
- [S9],, Lula Martin Hogwood Slade, Blandford Cemetery, Petersburg, Virginia.
- [S629] 1880 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, ED 148, page 21, lines 41-46, dwl 208, fam 192.
- [S682] 1910 US Census of Sussex County, Virginia in , Henry District, ED 118, sheet 1-A, lines 23-26, dwl 6, fam 6.
John William Slade1,2 
(June 1873 - 1943)
John William Slade was born in June, 1873 in Virginia.3,4 He was the son of Joseph Thomas Slade and Susanna V. Burgess.5 He was listed as Joseph S, age 3, in 1880 census.
John married Nancy Belle Gwaltney on January 18, 1894 in Surry County, Virginia.6,7 He is listed as Joseph W. in 1920 census.
John married second Vera Tillage.8 John died in 1943.9 He was buried in Gloucester Point Cemetery, Gloucester, Gloucester County, Virginia
John married Nancy Belle Gwaltney on January 18, 1894 in Surry County, Virginia.6,7 He is listed as Joseph W. in 1920 census.
John married second Vera Tillage.8 John died in 1943.9 He was buried in Gloucester Point Cemetery, Gloucester, Gloucester County, Virginia

Children of John William Slade and Nancy Belle Gwaltney
- Josephine N. Slade
6 b. March, 1897
- Eddie Marable Slade+
6 b. December 18, 1899, d. January 6, 1976
- Ruth M. Slade
13 b. 1903
- Annie M. Slade
13 b. 1904
- Robert Thomas Slade+
14 b. August 3, 1907, d. June 7, 1972
- Estelle Virginia Slade
1 b. September 2, 1917, d. March 10, 1980
- [S2794] 1920 US Census of Sussex County, Virginia, ED 122, sheet 1-A, lines 11-18, dwl 3, fam 3.
- [S2845] Virginia Marriages, 1785-1940,, John William Slade & Nancy Belle Gwaltney, Jan 18, 1894, Surry Co, VA.
- [S2789] 1880 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, ED 148, page 21, lines 41-46, dwl 208, fam 192.
- [S2788] 1900 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, ED 70, sheet 11-A, lines 41-44, dwl 214, fam 214.
- [S629] 1880 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, LDS 1880 image page 59-A.
- [S628] 1900 US Census of Surry County, Virginia.
- [S1309] Virginia Marriages, 1785-1940,, John William Slade & Nancy Belle Gwaltney, Jan 18, 1894, Surry Co, VA.
- [S9],, Vera Tillage Slade, 1885-1944, Gloucester Point Cemetery, Gloucester Co, Virginia.
- [S9], John William Slade, 1872-1943, Gloucester Point Cemetery, Gloucester Co, Virginia.
- [S629] 1880 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, ED 148, page 21, lines 41-46, dwl 208, fam 192.
- [S1011] 1910 US Census of Surry County, Virginia, ED 116, sheet 8-A, lines 1-7, dwl 1, fam 1.
- [S2887] 1940 US Census of Gloucester County, Virginia, ED 37-2, sh 2-A, lines 3-4, fam 29.
- [S1011] 1910 US Census of Surry County, Virginia.
- [S2816] 1910 US Census of Surry County, Virginia.
William H. Slade1 
(30 October 1802 - 8 May 1875)
William H. Slade was born on October 30, 1802 in Bristol County, Massachusetts.1 He was the son of Edward Slade and Elizabeth [?].2 William died on May 8, 1875 at age 72.1 He was buried in Newtown Burial Ground, Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts

- [S9],, William H Slade, tombstone, Newtown Burial Ground, Bristol Co, Massachusetts.
- [S4879] 1850 US Census of Bristol County, Massachusetts, FamSearch img 16/93, pg 414B, lines 13-17, dwl 120, fam 138.
Caleb Slade1 
(1779 - 14 August 1853)
Caleb Slade was born in 1779 in Bristol County, Massachusetts.1,2 He was the son of Edward Slade and Eliphel [?].2
Caleb married Hannah [?].3 Caleb died on August 14, 1853.1 He was buried in Newtown Burial Ground, Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Caleb married Hannah [?].3 Caleb died on August 14, 1853.1 He was buried in Newtown Burial Ground, Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts

Child of Caleb Slade and Hannah [?]
- Benjamin Slade
3 b. circa 1828
- [S9],, Caleb Slade, tombstone, Newtown Burial Ground, Bristol Co, Massachusetts.
- [S3025] Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915,, Dartmouth, Bristol, Caleb Slade, Apr 2, 1779, s/o Eliphel & Edward Slade.
- [S4879] 1850 US Census of Bristol County, Massachusetts, FamSearch img 33/93, pg [423], lines 17-19, dwl 251, fam 289.
Edward Slade1 
(1750 - 25 October 1822)
Edward Slade was born in 1750 in Bristol County, Massachusetts.2
Edward married Eliphel [?].1 Edward died on October 25, 1822.2 He was buried in Newtown Burial Ground, Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Edward married Eliphel [?].1 Edward died on October 25, 1822.2 He was buried in Newtown Burial Ground, Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts

Children of Edward Slade and Eliphel [?]
- Caleb Slade+
1 b. 1779, d. August 14, 1853
- Zephaniah Slade+
3 b. November 22, 1780, d. November 9, 1867
- [S3025] Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915,, Dartmouth, Bristol, Caleb Slade, Apr 2, 1779, s/o Eliphel & Edward Slade.
- [S9],, Edward Slade, tombstone, Newtown Burial Ground, Bristol Co, Massachusetts.
- [S3025] Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915,, Zephaniah Slade, b Nov 22, 1780, Dartmouth, s/o Elphel & Edward Slade.
Zephaniah Slade1 
(22 November 1780 - 9 November 1867)
Zephaniah Slade was born on November 22, 1780 in Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts. [calc from inscription on tombstone: aged 86y, 11m, 17d]1,2 He was the son of Edward Slade and Eliphel [?].2
Zephaniah married first Anna G. Gifford on April 3, 1806 in Dartmouth, Massachusetts,1,3, the daughter of William & Freelove Potter Gifford.3
Zephaniah married second Mary Ann W Gifford on April 8, 1819 in Westport, Bristol County, Massachusetts,4,1, the daughter of Elizabeth & Wilbur Gifford, both born in Rhode Island.4 Zephaniah died on November 9, 1867 at age 86.1,5 He was buried in Newtown Burial Ground, Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Zephaniah married first Anna G. Gifford on April 3, 1806 in Dartmouth, Massachusetts,1,3, the daughter of William & Freelove Potter Gifford.3
Zephaniah married second Mary Ann W Gifford on April 8, 1819 in Westport, Bristol County, Massachusetts,4,1, the daughter of Elizabeth & Wilbur Gifford, both born in Rhode Island.4 Zephaniah died on November 9, 1867 at age 86.1,5 He was buried in Newtown Burial Ground, Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts

Children of Zephaniah Slade and Anna G. Gifford
- William Gifford Slade
7 b. November 28, 1807
- Elizabeth Slade
8 b. May 11, 1810, d. August 11, 1866
Child of Zephaniah Slade and Mary Ann W Gifford
- Wilber G. Slade
9 b. 1820, d. October 28, 1851
- [S9],, Zephaniah Slade, tombstone, Newtown Burial Ground, Bristol Co, Massachusetts.
- [S3025] Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915,, Zephaniah Slade, b Nov 22, 1780, Dartmouth, s/o Elphel & Edward Slade.
- [S9], Anna G Slade, tombstone, Newtown Burial Ground, Bristol Co, Massachusetts.
- [S9], Mary Ann W Gifford Slade, tombstone, Newtown Burial Ground, Bristol Co, Massachusetts.
- [S3028] Massachusetts Deaths and Burials, 1795-1910,, Dartmouth, Bristol, Zephemiah Slade, Nov 9, 1867, s/o Eliphel & Edward Slade.
- [S4879] 1850 US Census of Bristol County, Massachusetts, FamSearch img 79/93, pg [446], lines 19-22, dwl 597, fam 693.
- [S3025] Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915,, William Gifford Slade,b Nov 28, 1807, Dartmouth, Bristol, s/o Anna & Zephaniah Slade.
- [S3027] Massachusetts, Town Clerk Vital Records, 1626-2001,
- [S9], Wilber G Slade, tombstone, Newtown Burial Ground, Bristol Co, Massachusetts.
Edward Slade1 
(circa 1775 - )
Children of Edward Slade and Elizabeth [?]
- William H. Slade
1 b. October 30, 1802, d. May 8, 1875
- Joseph Slade
1 b. circa 1806
- [S4879] 1850 US Census of Bristol County, Massachusetts, FamSearch img 16/93, pg 414B, lines 13-17, dwl 120, fam 138.
Frederick Slade1 
(17 October 1809 - 20 June 1891)
Frederick Slade was born on October 17, 1809 in Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts.2 He was the son of Sherman Slade and Betsey [?].3,4
Frederick married Sarah Tripp5, daughter of James Tripp, b 1778, Westport, MA.6 Frederick died on June 20, 1891 in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, at age 81.4 He was buried in Apponagansett Friends Cemetery, Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Frederick married Sarah Tripp5, daughter of James Tripp, b 1778, Westport, MA.6 Frederick died on June 20, 1891 in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, at age 81.4 He was buried in Apponagansett Friends Cemetery, Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts

- [S4879] 1850 US Census of Bristol County, Massachusetts, FamSearch img 11/93, pg [412], lines 34-36, dwl 86, fam 97.
- [S3025] Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915,, Frederick Slade, b Oct 17, 1809, Dartmouth, [no parents or image available].
- [S2954] 1855 State Census of Massachusetts, FamilySearch img 33/46, Dartmouth, Bristol, lines 4-5, dwl 295, fam 307.
- [S3204] Massachusetts Deaths, 1841-1915 Index & Digital Images,, Dartmouth, p4 [128] img 104/588, #32, Frederick Slade, d Jun 20, 1891, Dartmouth, s/o Betsey & Sherman Slade.
- [S9],, Sarah Tripp Slade, tombstone, Apponagansett Friends Cemetery, Bristol Co, Massachusetts.
- [S3029] 1865 State Census of Massachusetts, Bristol, Dartmouth, FamilySearch img 32/50, lines 35-37, dwl 480, fam 514, Frederick Slade.
- [S9], Frederick Slade, tombstone, Apponagansett Friends Cemetery, Bristol Co, Massachusetts.
- [S2951] 1880 US Cencus of Bristol County, Massachusetts, ED 80, pg 8, lines 1-2, dwl 86, fam 91.
Sarah Tripp1 
(20 August 1810 - 15 October 1897)
Sarah Tripp was born on August 20, 1810 in Galway, Saratoga County, New York,1, daughter of James Tripp, b 1778, Westport, MA.2
Sarah married Frederick Slade, son of Sherman Slade and Betsey [?].1 Sarah died on October 15, 1897 at age 87.1 She was buried in Apponagansett Friends Cemetery, Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Sarah married Frederick Slade, son of Sherman Slade and Betsey [?].1 Sarah died on October 15, 1897 at age 87.1 She was buried in Apponagansett Friends Cemetery, Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts

- [S9],, Sarah Tripp Slade, tombstone, Apponagansett Friends Cemetery, Bristol Co, Massachusetts.
- [S3029] 1865 State Census of Massachusetts, Bristol, Dartmouth, FamilySearch img 32/50, lines 35-37, dwl 480, fam 514, Frederick Slade.
- [S2951] 1880 US Cencus of Bristol County, Massachusetts, ED 80, pg 8, lines 1-2, dwl 86, fam 91.
Sherman Slade1 
(1 September 1782 - 1 January 1865)
Sherman Slade was born on September 1, 1782 in Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts.1,2
Sherman married Betsey [?].3 Sherman died on January 1, 1865 at age 822 and was buried in Apponagansett Friends Cemetery, Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Sherman married Betsey [?].3 Sherman died on January 1, 1865 at age 822 and was buried in Apponagansett Friends Cemetery, Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts

Child of Sherman Slade and Betsey [?]
- Frederick Slade
1,3 b. October 17, 1809, d. June 20, 1891
- [S2954] 1855 State Census of Massachusetts, FamilySearch img 33/46, Dartmouth, Bristol, lines 4-5, dwl 295, fam 307.
- [S9],, Sherman Slade, tombstone, Apponagansett Friends Cemetery, Bristol Co, Massachusetts.
- [S3204] Massachusetts Deaths, 1841-1915 Index & Digital Images,, Dartmouth, p4 [128] img 104/588, #32, Frederick Slade, d Jun 20, 1891, Dartmouth, s/o Betsey & Sherman Slade.
George Matthew Slade1,2,3 
(13 August 1848 - )
George Matthew Slade was born circa 1848 in England [May 1850 in 1900 census].2,1 He was baptized on August 13, 1848 in Southwark, Surrey, England; at St Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey.1 He was the son of George Slade and Matilda Eliza [?].2 George Matthew Slade and Matilda Eliza [?] were found on a passenger list on December 6, 1850 in Port of New York, New York; aboard the ship Devonshire, arriving.4
George married Adelia Alice Chatfield.3 George Matthew Slade was a machinist.3
George married Adelia Alice Chatfield.3 George Matthew Slade was a machinist.3
Children of George Matthew Slade and Adelia Alice Chatfield
- George Cyrus Slade
3 b. February, 1872
- Henry E. Slade+
3 b. June, 1874
- [S501] London, England, Church of England Births and Baptisms, 1813-1917 ,,, St Mary Magdalene Bemondsey, 1848, p144, #1147, bapt Aug 13 George Matthew Slade, s/o Matilda Eliza & George Slade.
- [S6671] 1860 US Census of Chautauqua County, New York, Ancestry img 138/143, pg 138, lines 34-39, dwl 1103, fam 1072, George Slade household.
- [S6674] 1880 US Census of New Haven County, Connecticut, ED 74, p26, lines 17-20, dwl 235, fam 282, George M Slade household.
- [S6673] New York, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1820-1857, , Matilda Slade & son George arrived New York Dec 6, 1850 aboard ship Devonshire from London.
- [S6675] 1900 US Census of New Haven County, Connecticut, ED 378, sh 3-A, lines 13-15, dwl 38, fam 63, George M Slade, Alice D, George C.
- [S6676] 1910 US Census of New Haven County, Connecticut, ED 415, sh 12-B, lines 69-71, dwl 169, fam 300, George M Slade, Alice A, George C.